Sozo Private Wealth is privileged to have a team of professionals who provide excellent client care at every level. We stand committed to providing the best customer experience possible. No matter the challenge or need, our team is ready to assist you at any time.

Brent R Burke CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL®, RICP®
Partner and Private Wealth Advisor

Justin Neal CFP®, MSFS, ChFC®, CLU®, CASL®
CEO, Partner and Private Wealth Advisor

Steven F. Carroll CFP®, RICP®, ChFC®
Partner and Private Wealth Advisor

Kyle Wilson CFP®, WMCP®, RICP®, ChFC®
Chief Operating Officer and Partner
Sozo Private Wealth is delighted to align with advisors who share our core values, enjoy working together to find solutions, and who are motivated to think creatively about improving the client experience.